The IMIN Mentoring Program
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The seasoned ISPN member who volunteers to mentor through participation in IMIN may meet the new member initially at the annual conference and share time with the new member that may include meeting for coffee, planning dinner, and introducing the new member to the wider network of ISPN members. The mentor/mentee model can be implemented in any way that is comfortable for the dyad and for any length of time the dyad decides – activities may range from an occasional telephone or email check in to a structured clinical supervision. IMIN is a voluntary and free program as a member benefit as well as a pathway to quickly connect new members with the larger organization. Over 60 dyads have participated in IMIN since its inception in 2014. The purpose of mentoring members into leadership positions within ISPN has been actualized several times. For example, Dr. Pamela Minarik volunteered to mentor Dr. Steven Pryjmachuck when he was a new member. Over time Steven became a member of the Board of Directors and ISPN President. Steven was our first international president and assisted our understanding of global mental health issues. The IMIN Project products include development of a survey instrument for evaluation purposes, podium presentation for the program outcomes (2018), a manuscript (in process), and a toolkit (in process). Applying is easy to do with the online application. Applying is open throughout the year to any ISPN member – just decide what role you want, mentor or mentee. New members and first time conference attendees are encouraged to apply. For further information and connection to a mentor or mentee, please contact: Dr. Beth Bonham, Dr. Marian Newton, or Jessica Retzlaff, ISPN Executive Director. We look forward to meeting you! Apply Here |